The usage of Privnote is straightforward. It is a safe website where you may compose messages that can be sent to other people. There is no need for registration, and the creation of notes takes just a few moments.As soon as that person clicks the link, they are presented with the message, and the connection is immediately deleted; this means that nobody, not even the person to whom you gave it, may read it again once they have already seen it. Privnote allows you to send messages that delete themselves after being read. Let us reveal the one time secret. What is the best way to send my note? Is there a method that can be used to deliver the Is it possible for me to forward a private to more than one person?
Since the letter may be copied and pasted by the receiver, we can assume that it does not truly delete itself. Is it feasible to see a note that was only just read by utilizing the browser’s history, the browser’s back button, or the function that shows recently closed tabs?
How long does it take for unread notes to be deleted from your servers?
Anonymous sending messages
You are required to check the box labelled “notification” and then enter your email address if you want to receive updates. When the note is read, Privnote will send an email to that address notifying you of it. You also have the option of adding a reference to uniquely identify each note. This is a one-time secret being revealed.
Since the letter may be copied and pasted by the receiver, we can assume that it does not truly delete itself.
Right. On the other hand, you couldn’t stop the receiver from capturing a screenshot or even just remembering the letter if they wanted to. Because of this, Privnote does not make any attempt to prevent the contents of the note from being copied. It only ensures that the contents are never viewed by anybody, either before or after they are sent to the intended recipient, and that this continues to be the case even after they have been delivered. It is the exclusive responsibility of the receiver to decide what to do with the message.
Once the letter has been read, there is no way to re-read it since it automatically deletes itself after being read.
After a period of 30 days, any and all unread notes will be removed automatically. You may learn more by reading our Privacy Policy, which is available here.